Those who choose to listen...

About Me

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I am a mother of one tween and two teens and the wife of a man who I love. I am the follower of a Lord and Savior that is living, real and my everything. I love to spend time with friends, even though I don't do it very often, I love my job and I love going to my kids sports events. I golf with my husband, even though I don't do it well, he is always very patient with me. My life is good, not perfect, but good. I am happy.

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.

...but the greatest of these is LOVE

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Thursday, July 5, 2007

Be encouraged!

Why is it that christian people, I mean people who really love the Lord, who know what it means to fully trust in Him and believe that He is greater than anything the devil throws their way are being so attacked??

In the last week I've had several friends, people who are very close to my heart, very dear to me, that are being put through such great struggles. Why must so much heart ache come to so many good people? I don't always understand, the other day I thought, Wouldn't it be nice if, once we truly believed in Christ, I mean TRULY believed, we wouldn't have to go through so many great struggles. The occasional up hill battle perhaps, but no more deep down, painful struggles. But, if that really was the way our christian walk was, would we believe that we really needed God at all? It would make it so easy to just live our lives without ever thinking about Him. I believe that when we go through these struggles, this is when God is most powerful in our lives. We live because He does, if we forget that, what do we have left?

To all of my friends and those of you who I do not know and may be going through a rough time in your life: be strong, hold fast, when you've done all else, STAND. Do not let the devil move you, look him straight in the face and say NO, God IS in control, He is here and He will see me though this!

Be strengthened, be encouraged and most of all, through it all STAND!