Those who choose to listen...

About Me

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I am a mother of one tween and two teens and the wife of a man who I love. I am the follower of a Lord and Savior that is living, real and my everything. I love to spend time with friends, even though I don't do it very often, I love my job and I love going to my kids sports events. I golf with my husband, even though I don't do it well, he is always very patient with me. My life is good, not perfect, but good. I am happy.

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.

...but the greatest of these is LOVE

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Thursday, August 2, 2007

Do Unto Others...

A few weekends ago, we were travelling down the highway, we just turned onto the perimeter when all of a sudden I heard a loud pop and an even louder hissing sound.

We picked up a huge metal stake of some kind, it was stuck way into my tire, so I pulled over to the side of the road and proceeded to move all of our stuff from the trunk onto the back seat so that I could get my tire down from under the van.

I thought to myself, surely someone on this busy highway, when they see a woman with three children stranded on the side of the road trying to get a tire loose will stop and offer help.Am I just too naive, could it really be that we have all become so wrapped up in our own lives and schedules that we can't even stop and help someone on the side of the road?? I'm guilty of it myself, I remember seeing someone on the side of the road one night coming home. My reason for not stopping, it's dark, I don't know who that is, there are other vehicles behind me, they can stop, I was too scared to even stop and help someone.

So, I proceeded to call my wonderful brother, who stopped what he was doing and came to my rescue. We waited for maybe 45 minutes for him to come.

He even had trouble getting that tire down, so I didn't feel too bad. We had to get a new one, the spike was just too big, it ruined my new tire.
Next time I hope I'm brave enough to stop for the person on the side of the road and see if they need help. I'm sure going to try!!!!


Roo said...

so true bonnie!!! thanks for sharing it. i can relate on many levels....

gloria said...

ugh! don't know that I would have stopped, unless I recognized the person that was stranded. (not sure if you can recognize someone at 115 KM/H or not).

There are just too many crazies out there for me to take a chance with my children's life or mine.

I did stop once, doors firmly locked, and handed my cell phone to a man stranded on the 311 through a tiny open crack in my window so he could call someone to bring him more gas. He asked if I could just run him up the road 1.5 miles, and I apologized, told him I was not comfortable with that, but he was welcome to use my phone to call someone that would be.

Roo said...
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Roo said...

i remember once my car broke down on 59 hwy in the middle of winter. after nearly breaking my knuckle after punching the steering wheel i proceeded to walk to the nearest farmhouse.

I COULD HEAR THEM INSIDE but they wouldn't open the door for scary ole' me. so, i walked to the next farm house and thankfully, they allowed me usage of their phone.

it was not fun.

joyce said...

you are too precious to risk you and your babies in that context. You give in so many other ways, let some big strong muscle man be the highway hero, and you just keep delivering cookies around town and smiling at us all.


Roxanne said...

I had no idea you had a blog...what a fun blog. that dinner idea is NOT dumb. You are one of the most amazing cooks! I can understand why you would want to do that with others. So sorry about your blow-out!!!!! But congrats to working at CU Manor. Talk soon!

Erin said...

You know, we had a similar experience. We had a flat tire and no one even slowed down. It's amazing. Glad everything worked out!