Those who choose to listen...

About Me

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I am a mother of one tween and two teens and the wife of a man who I love. I am the follower of a Lord and Savior that is living, real and my everything. I love to spend time with friends, even though I don't do it very often, I love my job and I love going to my kids sports events. I golf with my husband, even though I don't do it well, he is always very patient with me. My life is good, not perfect, but good. I am happy.

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.

...but the greatest of these is LOVE

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Friday, August 10, 2007

No Green Thumb Here!!

I'm not a planter, not a good one. I've actually managed to kill a cactus in my lifetime. So, it's always a surprise to me when I put a plant or a seed in the ground and something actually manages to grow, turn green and survive. Last fall I planted an apple tree in our yard and one tiny little grape vine by the deck. I never really expected anything to come of either of them, but to my surprise we actually got about 8 little crab apples on our baby tree and a tiny but beautiful bunch of grapes on the vine. Even though after I planted the grape vine my silly dog chewed it and I'm pretty sure he even peed on it a few times, all that was left by the time the snow fell were three little brown sticks coming out of the dirt. So, even though they really didn't taste that great I'm very proud of the fact that not only is my grape vine green, but it produced one bunch of grapes, one tiny, little, sour bunch of grapes, but they are grapes!!!


joyce said...

does that make them dog-pee-grapes?
I buried my cat leo under the plum tree and Brian insists that they've come up furry...

Bonnie said...

That's exactly what we called them!! Maybe that's why they were so sour! Yuck!!

gloria said...

Yay Bonnie! Grapes AND Crab-apples. You are going to have to start your own winery!

Mills' Memoirs said...

That's awesome, Bonnie! I think you've just inspired me to plant something next year....I don't usually have much luck, either. But maybe there's hope!

Roo said...


The Friesen Family said...

Bonnie, I am loving reading your blog.I really miss everyone. For the sounds of your green thumb you & I would get along just fine, Oh that reminds me I better water the one plant that is still living in my house.
About you grapes, I read in Animal Wellness that grapes are really bad for dogs and can lead to acute renal failure. We have a grape vine I mean my ad has a grape vine and our dog loved the grapes but then I read this and well no more grapes for Copper.
One more thing, I have been trying to set up a blog but I can not figure it out why?