Those who choose to listen...

About Me

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I am a mother of one tween and two teens and the wife of a man who I love. I am the follower of a Lord and Savior that is living, real and my everything. I love to spend time with friends, even though I don't do it very often, I love my job and I love going to my kids sports events. I golf with my husband, even though I don't do it well, he is always very patient with me. My life is good, not perfect, but good. I am happy.

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times.

...but the greatest of these is LOVE

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Friday, July 30, 2010

This I know, that God is for me. Psalm 56:9

This I know!! My God is for me, no matter where I am, no matter what I am doing, in good times, bad times, happy times, sad times, grumpy times....MY God is for me. I love it that He is always by my side, weather I acknowledge Him or not, weather I feel Him or not, the word says He is ALWAYS for me.

So, as we prepare for this long weekend, remember God is for you, He wants to spend it with you, (maybe you could dance with Him) invite Him along and enjoy the ride!

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bonny.....
I'm so happy to see you have a blog to follow. Thanks for doing that...what a blessing! I will be following it. Thanks for allowing me to phone you about YOUTH....luv ya! Take care, Ann Nickel